cool cams
unscripted tail wagging, dog chasing cool dog cams
If your dog is staying in one of our suites, use the suite username and password to access all cameras.
Golden retriever lying on a blue patterned bed with a toy, text overlay "Cool Cam 1."
Play button overlay on a dog's face, with the text 'Cool Cam 2'. Background shows another dog.
Gray and white dog wearing a collar with text "Cool Cam 3" overlaid and a play button icon on the image.
Group of dogs of various breeds in an indoor play area with the text 'Suite 1'. There is a play button overlay on the image.
French Bulldog and other dogs in a room with a 'Suite 2' overlay and play button.
Video thumbnail featuring a dog being bathed, "Suite 3" text overlay with a play button.
White fluffy dog being groomed, "Suite 4" text overlay and play button symbol.
Dog shaking hands with a person in "Suite 5" play button overlay
Person holding a smiling dog's face playfully, with a play button overlay and the text "Suite 6."
Black dog with open mouth in pet daycare, text 'Suite 7' and play icon overlay.
If you're looking for a safe, fun, and loving environment for your pup, look no further than bark! bark!. We can't wait to meet you and your furry family member!