Dog Dental Cleaning: The Benefits of a Healthy Mouth

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You may think brushing your dog's teeth is pointless, but did you know that a dirty mouth can lead to health problems? A dental cleaning is the best way to keep your dog's teeth healthy, and it's not as difficult as you might think! In this post, we'll look at the benefits of a healthy mouth and show you how to brush your dog's teeth properly in between dental visits. Keep reading for more information!

Brushing your dog's teeth is one of the most important things you can do for their health. Not only does it keep their teeth clean and healthy, but it can also help prevent bad breath, tooth decay, and other dental problems such as plaque and tartar buildup. 

What’s better than a pup with sparkling teeth? A dog who can't stop smiling! To get your four-legged friend looking and feeling his best, check out these easy steps for fresh breath:

  1. If you want to avoid agitating your dog, choose a calm time for brushing!

  2. Since your pup is new to brushing, touch their teeth and gums without the brush. This will help them get used to having something in that area, so they don’t flinch when you put pressure on it with bristles later down the road!

  3. Gently touch your dog's toothbrush to their teeth. Gently brush the front, side, and back. Praise them when they tolerate this step!

  4. Introduce the toothpaste to your dog and watch as they eagerly lick it off your finger!

  5. Start brushing the top teeth with toothpaste. Hold up an inch of the lip to ensure you are getting all angles, then slowly brush from one side towards another.

  6. Move from the front teeth further back to the side and back teeth on the top.

  7. Start brushing the bottom teeth; it is time to hold down their lip and work your way around. This may be a little more difficult for them at first, so, if necessary, work up to this step after tolerating brushings well enough.

    Most dogs don't enjoy getting their teeth cleaned. To make this process a pawsitive experience for your pup, praise them frequently and give treats at each step! You can even work on removing food from the equation later if you want - it's all about teaching your pup how great brushing turns into rewards too!

    So, there you have it! The basics of brushing your dog’s teeth. It may seem like a daunting task at first, but with a little practice (and some tasty treats), you and your furry friend will be on your way to healthy pearly whites in no time. And if you ever need a hand along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help – we’re always here to make sure your pup is smiling from ear to ear.


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