3 Tips to Help Your Dog Adjust to Back-to-School Season

Although the dog days of summer are winding down, that doesn't mean your pooch has to lose its zest for life. In fact, with a few tips from us, you can help your furry friend adjust to back-to-school season like a pro! Keep reading for our top three tips...

1. Routine

Create a routine and stick to it. Dogs are creatures of habit and they thrive on routines. So, when back-to-school season rolls around and everyone's schedule gets hectic, it can be tough on your pup. To help them adjust, create a daily routine and stick to it as much as possible. Set aside time each day for walks, playtime, and snuggles.

2. Keep Busy

Keep them busy. When you're busy with homework and after-school activities, your dog can get bored. To help keep their minds active, try giving them dog-safe toys to play with or enrolling them in our daycare.

3. Training

Don't forget the training. Just because you're busy doesn't mean you should forget about your dog's training. If anything, back-to-school season is the perfect time to work on those obedience commands. Set aside a few minutes each day to practice sit, stay, down, come, and other basic commands. Not only will it help keep their minds sharp, but it'll also give you a chance to bond with your pup.

It can be tough to say goodbye to our furry friends each morning, but with a little preparation and some help from our dog daycare, your pup is sure to have a great time while you’re away. From providing plenty of toys and activities to keeping them on a regular routine, we’ve got the tips you need for an easy transition into the back-to-school season.


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